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CROSS WORKS is in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

31 Jul 2024

Our Founder and Managing Director - Hakan Agca - flew to Mongolia this week to present our proposal for a new capital city, called 'New Kharkhorum' to the government.

Our Founder and Managing Director - Hakan Agca -  flew to Mongolia this week to present our proposal for a new capital city, called 'New Kharkhorum' to the government. Cross Works was the only team from the UK to be shortlisted down to the final 36 teams (from over 400 registered teams from over 50 countries around the world), and now awaiting the results following jury presentations in Ulaanbaatar on Monday 29th July.


Our concept centres around the idea of a 'Modular City', that takes great care to merge the needs and desires of urban settlers and 'nomads' (a large portion of society that is unique to Mongolia), and allows for a level of future-proofing, adaptability and flexibility that's unprecedented in large-scale city planning.


The results will be announced later today. Whether we win or not, it's been a genuinely thought-provoking and intellectually testing exercise that has added another city-scale project to XW's constantly evolving city planning portfolio; and one that's made the 3 month competition process well worthwhile, whatever the result.


We hope to be back in Ulaanbaatar some day soon!

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